Proceso de admisión de alumnos para el curso 2016-2017
La Comunidad de Madrid ha publicado la Resolución por la que se dictan las instrucciones sobre la participación en el proceso de admisión de alumnos en centros sostenidos con fondos públicos. Las fechas más significativas a tener en cuenta son:Del 31 de...
2ºESO: Exchange Borgomanero, Italy
This year 30 students of 2nd of ESO travelled for the first time to the Salesian School “Don Bosco” in Borgomanero, Italy. The students have worked in English the topic of “Beauty”.They have created some art pieces and visited some museums. They have danced and sang...
3ºESO: Trip to London
The students of 3º ESO went last year for the 1st time to London on a school trip. The main goal of the trip was to visit the city life of the English capital and to be able to use the English language in a natural way in order to life there for a week. This was quite...